The Rural Pastor Podcast – Episode 24 – Ministry and Marriage 2
Join Pastors Andy Addis and mark Clifton for a discussion on Marriage and Ministry. In this second part of a three-part marriage series, we focus on how to make a marriage comeback. If you are suffering, under tension, or are worried about your relationship’s direction, this podcast is for you!
Col 3:12-16 – Put On Good Marriage Practices
- Become Aggressively thoughtful: compassionate hearts, kindness, humility
- Treat your spouse better than anyone else: meekness, patience, bearing withone another
- Practice forgiveness: if one has a complaint, forgive as the Lord forgives
- Choose love as your dominant emotion: above all put on love
- Ponder Gratitude: let the peace of Christ rule, and be thankful
- Make your marriage God Centered: let the word dwell in you richly