I See You Pastor
Thank you to the rural church pastor. I am one of you, and I want to thank you for some things most people would not understand
Thank you for the fact that holiday weekends are more weekend to you than holiday, and a weekend means a Sunday when you will be ready.
Thank you for the countless times others’ emergencies have become your emergencies because pastoring is a 24/7 calling.
Thank you for missing football games and naps to make time for sermon prep.
Thank you for working the “other job” to pay the bills so you can do this job with skill and compassion.
Thank you for altering your family plans to ensure that the traditions of families in your congregation can be maintained.
Thank you for being there when everyone else is on the road and standing at your post like a good soldier.
Thank you for picking up the slack when volunteers disappear for the holidays because “things are just so busy.”
Thank you for seeing the stress and pace of a holiday season as an opportunity that you can’t miss in hopes of making an impact.
Thank you for taking care of your family, our family and the church family and doing it with a prayer and a smile.
Thank you for putting more in the offering plate than is often put in your paycheck.
Thank you for forgiving us when we didn’t know we assumed of, presumed upon, or consumed you.
Thank you for responding to a calling and sacrificing daily and for the countless things too numerous to name and remember. Thank you1
This Thanksgiving, I pray that you know this rural church pastor: you are not alone, you are seen, and you are loved.
Today, I am thankful for you.
Philippians 1:3–5 (ESV)
3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.